Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat Application Detail: State government if Gujarat has launched a new welfare scheme for the people of Gujarat. This scheme is known as the Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat. As the name suggests, in this scheme people of State will receive a sewing machine for free. The scheme is mainly for women of the State. But some men are also eligible for this scheme. This scheme is also known by the name of Free Silai Machine Yojana.
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Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat Application Detail new updates 2020.
This scheme has been launched under the Sathiyavani Muthu Ammaiyar Ninaivu Scheme. The scheme has been launched by the central government across the country. The implementation of this scheme is been carried by the State government as well. The scheme aims to provide self-employment to the people of the State. Those people who have the skill of sewing can take benefit of this scheme. By getting a free sewing machine people can start their small sewing business.
This scheme also aims to rehabilitate deserted women, destitute widows, and physically challenged men and women. The eligibility criteria of this scheme are been explained in simple words in the article below. Before applying for this scheme interested applicants must check its eligibility criteria. This scheme has been launched for a wide range of age group.
This scheme offers a great opportunity for rehabilitation and self-employment to the deprived people of society. Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat People of Gujarat will be able to take the benefit of this scheme. Mostly this scheme is meant for the women and few men can also take its benefit. Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat has been launched by the government to empower women and another deprived member of society. This scheme will make them independent. Also, people will able to generate income from this scheme. This scheme will help people to take advantage of their skill. Government has launched a skill development programme in the country.
Various skills are been taught to people in the skill development programme. One such skill is sewing. This scheme will help people with sewing skills. After watching people get self-employment through their skill, other people will also get encouragement.
They will also try to learn skills and this will lead to more skilled people in the country. As we all know our country is suffering from huge population growth. This causes a lack of employment in society.
Many young people are unemployed and don’t have jobs. This scheme will motivate people towards skill development programme. More and more people will try to learn skills. Thus, they will be able to generate self-employment for themselves.
This will decrease the unemployment ratio in the country. Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat More people will become independent. They will be able to support themselves and their families. Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat detailed information are been provided in this article. you can check the information about how to apply for this scheme from this article. Details like application form pdf file, form downloading link, where to submit a form, how to submit a form, the objective of scheme its eligibility criteria are given in this article below.
The scheme is Known As Free Silai Machine Yojana/ Free Sewing Machine Scheme / Free Tailoring Machine Scheme Launched in State Gujarat & Various other States Scheme has been Launched By Central Government of India Concerned Department Department of Social Welfare Beneficiaries of Scheme Deprived Women & Men Scheme Is offering Free Sewing Machine to Beneficiaries Beneficiaries
Age Group 20 to 40 Years Application Form Available Online Available in Article Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat Application Form Objective of Scheme To Rehabilitate & Generate Self Employment Scheme Official Website Free Sewing Machine Gujarat implementation is been carried out the State Welfare Department. Other then Gujarat this scheme is available for Maharashtra, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana etc. Scheme implementation will be carried throughout the country.
People will be able to earn money even from their home by using sewing machines. To get these sewing machine people must apply or the scheme by filling its application form. This scheme will help poor people of the State who have no source of income. This scheme will establish them a source which they can use to generate income. The state government is aiming to distribute more than 50,000 sewing machines in the State for free. Thus, every eligible and interested applicant must apply for this scheme, to take its benefits.
फ्री सिलाई मशीन योजना 2019 -20 का उद्देश्य :
भारत देश की गरीब परिवारों की महिलाये आर्थिक रूप से कमज़ोर होने के कारण अपनी बुनियादी आवश्यकताओ को पूरा नहीं कर पाती इन बातो को ध्यान में रखते हुए केंद्र सरकार ने आर्थिक रूप से कमज़ोर सभी महिलाओ को निशुल्क सिलाई मशीन देने की घोषणा की है |इस फ्री सिलाई मशीन योजना 2019 -20 के ज़रिये देश की महिलाओ को रोजगार के लिए प्रेरित करना और महिलाओ को आत्मनिर्भर बनाना और सशक्त बनाना |सरकार द्वारा मिलने वाली निशुल्क सिलाई मशीन के ज़रिये महिलाये बिना कही जाये घर बैठे सिलाई करके आमदनी अर्जित कर सकती है और अपनी और अपने परिवार की आर्थिक ज़रूरतों को पूरा कर सकती है |
Free Silai Machine Yojana 2019 – 20 मुख्य तथ्य
इस योजना के अंतर्गत केवल महिलाओ को ही पात्र माना जायेगा |
Free Silai Machine Yojana 2019 – 20 के तहत आवेदन करने वाली महिलाओ की आयु 20 से 40 वर्ष होनी चाहिए |
इस योजना के ज़रिये देश की श्रमिक महिलाओ को रोजगार के लिए प्रेरित करना |
Free Silai Machine Yojana 2019 – 20 के अंतर्गत महिला के पति की आय 12000 रूपये से कम होनी चाहिए
समर्थ योजना 2019
मुफ्त सिलाई मशीन योजना 2019-20 के दस्तावेज़
- आधार कार्ड
- आयु प्रमाण पत्र
- आय प्रमाण पत्र
- यदि विकलांग चिकित्सा प्रमाण पत्र
- यदि कोई महिला विधवा है तो उसका निराश्रित विधवा प्रमाण पत्र
- सामुदायिक प्रमाण पत्र
- मोबाइल नंबर
- पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो
निशुल्क सिलाई मशीन योजना 2019 – 20 के लिए आवेदन कैसे करे?
इस योजना के अंतर्गत देश की जो श्रमिक महिलाये आवेदन करना चाहती है तो उन्हें सबसे पहले भारत सरकार की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाकर योजना में आवेदन करने के लिए आवेदन फॉर्म को डाउनलोड करना होगा| उसके बाद आपको आवेदन फॉर्म में पूछी गयी सभी जानकारी जैसे नाम, पता ,आधार नंबर मोबाइल नंबर आदि भरना होगा |इसके पश्चात् आपको अपने सम्बंधित कार्यालय में जाकर फॉर्म को जमा करना होगा आपके फॉर्म का कार्यालय के अधिकारी द्वारा सत्यापन किया जायेगा फिर सत्यापन पूरी तरह से सही होने के बाद आपको निशुल्क सिलाई मशीन योजना 2019 – 20 का लाभ प्राप्त होगा |इस तरह आपका आवेदन पूरा होगा |
Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat Application Form pdf Those applicants who are fulfilling scheme all eligibility criteria they can apply in this scheme by filing its application form. People will get the scheme application form, either from this website or from the official website. To get an application form from the official website click on this link. As soon as you click here, you will redirect towards the official website home page. Then you will see a page like shown in the image below. There you have to click on the “Application Form for the Free Supply of Sewing Machines” option. As soon as you click on that option you will get the option to download the pdf file of the scheme application form.
Important Download form:
- Muft Silai Machine Yojana Application Form
- Gujarati Tutorial for Free Sewing Machine Scheme Gujarat Application Detail